Sweet Christian Lady Looking

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West Monroe, Louisiana | Жена тражим мушкарца

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Мој опис
How I see myself and how others view me is not always the same, so I asked a few friends to describe me and this is what I got. My best friend said..."Linda, you are always smiling, always in a good mood, friendly to everyone, never meet a stranger, independent, personable and sometimes a bit of a flirt". I had to laugh. She knows me well. Then I asked my son the same question and he said..."Mom, when I get married I hope that I can find someone a lot like you...you are never moody, you can discuss almost anything of interest, you're open minded, you are financially independent, emotionally secure, you never judge or point blame and you love me unconditionally". Now, that was a compliment.

Overall, I think I am just an average woman but I've been told I'm one of a kind. Yes, I am very independent and I've been that way since I was very young. I am a bit hard-headed (but in a good way) and I got that naturally from my Dad. He was a sweetheart.

Most importantly...I love the Lord Jesus. He is my savior and I try to live my life daily that would be pleasing to him. Sure, I've made many mistakes and have paid the price here on earth for them...but I know my God forgives and forgets.

I was married only once and that lasted 28 years. Somethings just fall apart and can't be mended no matter what. I've been divorced since May 2000 and have managed very well on my own.

I am an RN...I have a nice little house and drive a nice car...and I have no credit card debt. Yes, God has blessed me greatly and I give him all the praise and glory.

I would like to get married again...but I am a bit picky. I don't date anyone who smokes, drinks excessively or does drugs. I love and get along great with all my family and I have very little baggage and I would want a potential partner to be the same. Men who are secure financially, emotionally, physically and spirutally...that has a good sense of humor, are outgoing and friendly will get my attention quick.

Thanks for reading this...Good luck in finding your Special one and God Bless.
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